Raymond Fuller and Abby Eubanks
Dr. Raymond Fuller


Dr. Raymond Fuller was an amazing and one of a kind physician. He graduated in 1972 from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He then completed his pulmonary medicine fellowship. He was a professor of medicine in Philadelphia while practicing critical and pulmonary medicine starting in 1979. In 1991, he became a Fellow of the American College of Internal Medicine which is a mark of distinction, representing the pinnacle of integrity, professionalism, and scholarship for those who aspire to pursue careers in internal medicine.

Dr. Fuller took care of the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of every patient. He could calm the most worried and anxious patients just by his rhythmic knock on the door or telling a ‘knock knock’ joke while talking in to a banana like a telephone. Over the 21 years I was blessed to practice medicine with my father, I learned more than just the medical side of caring for patients. He taught me the ART of medicine. He taught me grace and patience in any situation and the importance of being humble, kind, and Christlike.

I will continue to care for his patients, our patients, and my patients. I aspire to be like him and make every day a Career Day. Well done, good, and faithful servant. I love you beyond words and I miss you - so much. Until we meet again on those streets of gold,  “Hasta Luego, don’t get lumbago!

And so begins, the Bluegrass Legacy